
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Binder;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.telephony.TelephonyManager;
import android.util.Log;


import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;

 * Provides programmatic access to common call control tasks.
 * <h3>As an Instance</h3>
 * An instance of this class provides programmatic access to the Android OS
 * internal telephony controller.
 * This class is based on several interesting StackOverflow posts and is still
 * highly experimental.
 * The member functions represent a large portion of the {@code ITelephony}
 * interface as discovered in the Android open source repository. However, in
 * this class, several of those methods are marked as deprecated. For each of
 * these deprecated methods, there is a static alternative that does not require
 * the reflexive workarounds of this class, and which will likely be more
 * efficient. Though marked as deprecated, there is no plan to remove them from
 * this library; the deprecation is merely an encouragement to choose
 * alternatives.
 * <h3>As a Static Utils Class</h3>
 * Static methods of the class are a more intuitive shorthand for "normal"
 * operations related to call control, and do not require the construction of an
 * instance.
 * @see <a href="">
 *     StackOverflow Q.599443: How to hang up outgoing call in Android?</a>
 * @see <a href="">
 *     StackOverflow Q.2001146: Reflection to access advanced telephony features</a>
 * @see <a href="">
 *     Prasanta Paul, "Call Control in Android", 2010-09-03</a>
 * @see <a href="">
 *     Android Source:</a>
 * @see <a href="">
 *     StackOverflow Q.4816683: How to make a phone call programmatically</a>
 * @since zer0bandwidth-net/android 0.0.5 (#16)
@SuppressWarnings( "unused" )                              // This is a library.
public class TelephonyController
/// STATIC API - Provides static utility functions for telephony tasks. ////////

	 * Fetches an instance of the device's telephony manager.
	 * As of 0.2.0, this is merely an alias for {@link Managers#get} with the
	 * appropriate class selected.
	 * @param ctx the context in which services are available
	 * @return the device's telephony manager service
	public static TelephonyManager getManager( Context ctx )
	{ return Managers.get( ctx, TelephonyManager.class ) ; }

	 * Indicates the current call state.
	 * Equivalent to calling {@link TelephonyManager#getCallState} on an
	 * existing instance of the manager.
	 * This method <b>requires</b> the
	 * {@code android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE} permission, and will throw a
	 * {@link SecurityException} if the permission is not granted at runtime.
	 * @param ctx the context in which to check call state
	 * @return one of the call state indicators provided by
	 *  {@code TelephonyManager}:
	 *  {@link TelephonyManager#CALL_STATE_RINGING CALL_STATE_RINGING},
	 *  {@link TelephonyManager#CALL_STATE_OFFHOOK CALL_STATE_OFFHOOK}, or
	 *  {@link TelephonyManager#CALL_STATE_IDLE CALL_STATE_IDLE}
	 * @throws SecurityException if the
	 *  {@code android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE} permission is not granted to
	 *  the app at runtime
	public static int getCallState( Context ctx )
	throws SecurityException
	{ return getManager(ctx).getCallState() ; }

	 * Indicates whether the phone is in "idle" state &mdash; that is, no
	 * outbound or inbound calls are in progress.
	 * @param ctx the context in which to check call state
	 * @return {@code true} if the call state is "idle"
	 * @throws SecurityException if the
	 *  {@code android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE} permission is not granted to
	 *  the app at runtime
	public static boolean isIdle( Context ctx )
	throws SecurityException
	{ return( getCallState(ctx) == TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_IDLE ) ; }

	 * Indicates whether the phone is "off-hook" &mdash; that is, waiting for a
	 * call to complete, or fully engaged with an active call.
	 * @param ctx the context in which to check call state
	 * @return {@code true} if the call state is "off-hook"
	 * @throws SecurityException if the
	 *  {@code android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE} permission is not granted to
	 *  the app at runtime
	public static boolean isOffhook( Context ctx )
	throws SecurityException
	{ return( getCallState(ctx) == TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_OFFHOOK ) ; }

	 * Indicates whether there is currently an incoming call that is causing
	 * either a ring tone or a call waiting tone.
	 * @param ctx the context in which to check call state
	 * @return {@code true} if the call state is "ringing"
	 * @throws SecurityException if the
	 *  {@code android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE} permission is not granted to
	 *  the app at runtime
	public static boolean isRinging( Context ctx )
	throws SecurityException
	{ return( getCallState(ctx) == TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_RINGING ) ; }

	 * Indicates the current call state.
	 * Equivalent to calling {@link TelephonyManager#getDataState} on an
	 * existing instance of the manager.
	 * @param ctx the context in which to check data state
	 * @return one of the data state indicators provided by
	 *  {@code TelephonyManager}:
	 *  {@link TelephonyManager#DATA_DISCONNECTED},
	 *  {@link TelephonyManager#DATA_CONNECTING},
	 *  {@link TelephonyManager#DATA_CONNECTED}, or
	 *  {@link TelephonyManager#DATA_SUSPENDED}
	public static int getDataState( Context ctx )
	{ return getManager(ctx).getDataState() ; }

	 * Places an outbound call to the specified telephone number.
	 * This method <b>requires</b> the {@code android.permission.CALL_PHONE}
	 * permission, and will throw a {@link SecurityException} if the permission
	 * is not granted at runtime.
	 * @param ctx the context in which to initiate the call
	 * @param sNumber a telephone number
	 * @throws SecurityException if the {@code android.permission.CALL_PHONE}
	 *  permission is not granted to the app at runtime
	 * @see
	@SuppressWarnings( "MissingPermission" ) // android.permission.CALL_PHONE
	public static void placeCall( Context ctx, String sNumber )
	throws SecurityException
		Intent sig = new Intent( Intent.ACTION_CALL ) ;
		sig.setData( Uri.parse( "tel:" + sNumber ) ) ;
		sig.addFlags( Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK ) ;
		ctx.startActivity( sig ) ;

/// INSTANCE API - Provides workaround access to native telephony functions. ///
	Note: All functions from the ITelephony AIDL were indiscriminately added
	until line 266, when time started running short for the day and I decided to
	just cherry-pick the most interesting methods below that point. There would
	be a lot more tedious work to add the remaining functions from that
	interface, and many of those don't seem worthwhile because there are open
	alternatives provided by TelephonyManager.

	public static final String LOG_TAG =
		TelephonyController.class.getSimpleName() ;

	public static final String SERVICE_MANAGER_CLASS =
			"android.os.ServiceManager" ;
	public static final String SERVICE_MANAGER_NATIVE_CLASS =
			"android.os.ServiceManagerNative" ;
	public static final String TELEPHONY_INTERFACE =
			"" ;

	 * The context in which the controller operates. Must be supplied in the
	 * constructor, and cannot be null.
	protected Context m_ctx = null ;

	 * A persistent reference to the Android internal service manager.
	protected Object m_mgrServices = null ;

	 * A persistent reflection into the Android internal telephony controller.
	protected Class<?> m_clsITelephony = null ;

	 * A persistent reference to the Android internal telephony controller.
	 * Member methods in this class will consume its interface via reflection.
	protected Object m_mgrTelephony = null ;

	 * Initializes the controller in the given context.
	 * @param ctx the context in which the controller will operate
	 * @throws ControllerConstructionException if any failures occur under the
	 *  hood
	 * @see #init()
	public TelephonyController( Context ctx )
	throws ControllerConstructionException
		if( ctx == null ) throw new ControllerConstructionException(
				"Cannot create telephony controller without a context." ) ;

		m_ctx = ctx ;

		try { this.init() ; }
		catch( Exception x )
		{ throw new ControllerConstructionException( x ) ; }

	 * Initializes the member object that represents the Android telephony
	 * controller.
	 * @return (fluid)
	 * @throws ClassNotFoundException if any of the various classes cannot be
	 *  found via reflection
	 * @throws NoSuchMethodException if any of the various methods cannot be
	 *  found via reflection
	 * @throws IllegalAccessException if a method invocation is forbidden
	 * @throws InvocationTargetException if a method cannot be invoked
	protected TelephonyController init()
	throws ClassNotFoundException,
		m_clsITelephony = Class.forName(TELEPHONY_INTERFACE) ;
		Class<?> clsStub = m_clsITelephony.getClasses()[0] ;
		Class<?> clsServiceManager = Class.forName(SERVICE_MANAGER_CLASS) ;
		Class<?> clsServiceManagerNative =

		Binder bindServiceManager = new Binder() ;
		bindServiceManager.attachInterface( null, "foo" ) ;
		Method mthGetService = // ServiceManager.getService( String sServiceName )
				clsServiceManager.getMethod( "getService", String.class ) ;
		Method mthAsInterface = // ServiceManagerNative.asInterface( Class<?> clsService )
				clsServiceManagerNative.getMethod( "asInterface", IBinder.class ) ;
		m_mgrServices = mthAsInterface.invoke( null, bindServiceManager ) ;
		IBinder bindTelephonyService =
				((IBinder)( mthGetService.invoke( m_mgrServices, "phone" ) )) ;
		Method mthGetITelephony = // ITelephony.Stub.asInterface( Class<?> clsBinder )
				clsStub.getMethod( "asInterface", IBinder.class ) ;

		m_mgrTelephony = mthGetITelephony.invoke( null, bindTelephonyService ) ;

//		this.dumpDiscoveredMethods() ;    // Comment this out for normal builds.

		return this ;

	 * Used to discover the actual definition of the {@code ITelephony}
	 * interface as visible to the current app.
	 * @return the dumped methods (since 0.2.1/#53)
	 * @since zer0bandwidth-net/android 0.0.6 (#17)
	@SuppressWarnings( "unused" )               // For diagnostic purposes only.
	protected String dumpDiscoveredMethods()
		Method[] amthITelephony = m_clsITelephony.getMethods() ;
		StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder() ;
		sb.append( "*** DEBUG *** Methods discovered in ITelephony:" ) ;
		for( Method mth : amthITelephony )
			sb.append( "\n" ).append( mth.toString() ) ;
		String sDump = sb.toString() ;
		Log.d( LOG_TAG, sDump ) ;
		return sDump ;

	 * Standard method of reflectively invoking a method of the telephony
	 * manager.
	 * @param sMethod the name of the underlying method being invoked
	 * @param aclsTypes an array of parameter types, corresponding to the
	 *                  parameters given in {@code aoParams}
	 *                  (since zer0bandwidth-net/android 0.0.6 (#17))
	 * @param aoParams any parameters that would be passed to the underlying
	 *                method, corresponding to the types given in
	 *                {@code aclsTypes}
	 *                (since zer0bandwidth-net/android 0.0.6 (#17))
	 * @return the return value of the underlying method
	 * @throws ControllerInvocationException if the invocation fails
	protected Object invoke( String sMethod, Class<?>[] aclsTypes, Object[] aoParams )
	throws ControllerInvocationException
			return m_clsITelephony.getMethod( sMethod, aclsTypes )
						.invoke( m_mgrTelephony, aoParams ) ;
		catch( Exception x )
		{ throw new ControllerInvocationException( sMethod, x ) ; }

	 * Answers an incoming call.
	 * @throws ControllerInvocationException if the invocation fails
	public void answerRingingCall()
	throws ControllerInvocationException
	{ this.invoke( "answerRingingCall", null, null ) ; }

	 * Answers an incoming call on behalf of a subscriber.
	 * @param id the subscriber ID
	 * @throws ControllerInvocationException if the invocation fails
	public void answerRingingCallForSubscriber( int id )
		this.invoke( "answerRingingCallForSubscriber",
				new Class<?>[] { Integer.class },
				new Integer[] { id }

	 * Dials the specified number and initiates an outbound call.
	 * @param pkgCaller the code package that is requesting the call
	 * @param sNumber the target phone number
	 * @throws ControllerInvocationException if the invocation fails
	 * @deprecated Use {@link #placeCall} instead.
	public void call( String pkgCaller, String sNumber )
	throws ControllerInvocationException
		this.invoke( "call",
				new Class<?>[] { String.class, String.class },
				new String[] { pkgCaller, sNumber }

	 * Dials the specified number, but does not call it.
	 * @param sNumber the target phone number
	 * @throws ControllerInvocationException if the invocation fails
	public void dial( String sNumber )
	throws ControllerInvocationException
		this.invoke( "dial",
				new Class<?>[] { String.class },
				new String[] { sNumber }

	 * Disables the data connection over the cell radio.
	 * @return (undocumented) indicates success?
	 * @throws ControllerInvocationException if the invocation fails
	public boolean disableDataConnectivity()
	throws ControllerInvocationException
		return ((boolean)
				( this.invoke( "disableDataConnectivity", null, null ) )) ;

	 * Enables the data connection over the cell radio.
	 * @return (undocumented) indicates success?
	 * @throws ControllerInvocationException if the invocation fails
	public boolean enableDataConnectivity()
	throws ControllerInvocationException
		return ((boolean)
				( this.invoke( "enableDataConnectivity", null, null ) )) ;

	 * Terminates a call in progress.
	 * @return an indication of whether the call actually hung up
	 * @throws ControllerInvocationException if the invocation fails
	public boolean endCall()
	throws ControllerInvocationException
	{ return ((boolean)( this.invoke( "endCall", null, null ) )) ; }

	 * Terminates a call in progress on behalf of a subscriber.
	 * @param id the subscriber ID
	 * @return an indication of whether the call actually hung up
	 * @throws ControllerInvocationException if the invocation fails
	public boolean endCallForSubscriber( int id )
	throws ControllerInvocationException
		final Object o = this.invoke( "endCallForSubscriber",
				new Class<?>[] { Integer.class },
				new Integer[] { id }
		return (boolean)o ;

	 * Indicates the state of the data connection.
	 * @return (undocumented)
	 * @throws ControllerInvocationException if the invocation fails
	 * @deprecated Use {@link #getDataState(Context)} instead.
	public int getDataState()
	throws ControllerInvocationException
	{ return ((int)( this.invoke( "getDataState", null, null ) )) ; }

	 * Indicates whether the cell radio supports data connectivity.
	 * @return duh, consult name of method
	 * @throws ControllerInvocationException if the invocation fails
	public boolean isDataConnectivityPossible()
	throws ControllerInvocationException
	{ return ((boolean)( this.invoke( "isDataConnectivityPossible", null, null ) )) ; }

	 * Indicates whether the phone is in "idle" state &mdash; that is, no
	 * outbound or inbound calls are in progress.
	 * @param pkgCaller the code package making the inquiry
	 * @return {@code true} if the phone state is "idle"
	 * @throws ControllerInvocationException if the invocation fails
	 * @deprecated Use {@link #getCallState} or {@link #isIdle(Context)}
	 *  instead.
	public boolean isIdle( String pkgCaller )
	throws ControllerInvocationException
		final Object o = this.invoke( "isIdle",
				new Class<?>[] { String.class },
				new String[] { pkgCaller }
		return (boolean)o ;

	 * Indicates whether the phone is in "idle" state &mdash; that is, no
	 * outbound or inbound calls are in progress.
	 * @param id the subscriber ID
	 * @param pkgCaller the code package making the inquiry
	 * @return {@code true} if the phone state is "idle"
	 * @throws ControllerInvocationException if the invocation fails
	 * @deprecated Use {@link #getCallState} or {@link #isIdle(Context)}
	 *  instead.
	public boolean isIdleForSubscriber( int id, String pkgCaller )
	throws ControllerInvocationException
		final Object o = this.invoke( "isIdleForSubscriber",
				new Class<?>[] { Integer.class, String.class },
				new Object[] { id, pkgCaller }
		return (boolean)o ;

	 * Indicates whether the phone is "off-hook" &mdash; that is, waiting for a
	 * call to complete, or fully engaged with an active call
	 * @param pkgCaller the code package that is requesting the function
	 * @return {@code true} if the phone state is "off-hook"
	 * @throws ControllerInvocationException if the invocation fails
	 * @deprecated Use {@link #getCallState} or {@link #isOffhook(Context)}
	 *  instead.
	public boolean isOffhook( String pkgCaller )
	throws ControllerInvocationException
		final Object o = this.invoke( "isOffhook",
				new Class<?>[] { String.class },
				new String[] { pkgCaller }
		return (boolean)o ;

	 * Indicates whether the phone is "off-hook" &mdash; that is, waiting for a
	 * call to complete, or fully engaged with an active call
	 * @param id the subscriber ID
	 * @param pkgCaller the code package making the inquiry
	 * @return {@code true} if the phone state is "off-hook"
	 * @throws ControllerInvocationException if the invocation fails
	 * @deprecated Use {@link #getCallState} or {@link #isOffhook(Context)}
	 *  instead.
	public boolean isOffhookForSubscriber( int id, String pkgCaller )
	throws ControllerInvocationException
		final Object o = this.invoke( "isOffhookForSubscriber",
				new Class<?>[] { Integer.class, String.class },
				new Object[] { id, pkgCaller }
		return (boolean)o ;

	 * Indicates whether the cell radio is active.
	 * @param pkgCaller the code package making the inquiry
	 * @return {@code true} if the cell radio is active
	 * @throws ControllerInvocationException if the invocation fails
	public boolean isRadioOn( String pkgCaller )
	throws ControllerInvocationException
		final Object o = this.invoke( "isRadioOn",
				new Class<?>[] { String.class },
				new String[] { pkgCaller }
		return (boolean)o ;

	 * Indicates whether the cell radio is active.
	 * @param id the subscriber ID
	 * @param pkgCaller the code package making the inquiry
	 * @return {@code true} if the cell radio is active
	 * @throws ControllerInvocationException if the invocation fails
	public boolean isRadioOnForSubscriber( int id, String pkgCaller )
	throws ControllerInvocationException
		final Object o = this.invoke( "isRadioOnForSubscriber",
				new Class<?>[] { Integer.class, String.class },
				new Object[] { id, pkgCaller }
		return (boolean)o ;

	 * Indicates whether there is currently an incoming call that is causing
	 * either a ring tone or a call waiting tone.
	 * @param pkgCaller the code package making the inquiry
	 * @return {@code true} if the phone state is "ringing"
	 * @throws ControllerInvocationException if the invocation fails
	 * @deprecated Use {@link #getCallState} or {@link #isRinging(Context)}
	 *  instead.
	public boolean isRinging( String pkgCaller )
	throws ControllerInvocationException
		final Object o = this.invoke( "isRinging",
				new Class<?>[] { String.class },
				new String[] { pkgCaller }
		return (boolean)o ;

	 * Indicates whether there is currently an incoming call that is causing
	 * either a ring tone or a call waiting tone.
	 * @param id the subscriber ID
	 * @param pkgCaller the code package making the inquiry
	 * @return {@code true} if the phone state is "ringing"
	 * @throws ControllerInvocationException if the invocation fails
	 * @deprecated Use {@link #getCallState} or {@link #isRinging(Context)}
	 *  instead.
	public boolean isRingingForSubscriber( int id, String pkgCaller )
	throws ControllerInvocationException
		final Object o = this.invoke( "isRingingForSubscriber",
				new Class<?>[] { Integer.class, String.class },
				new Object[] { id, pkgCaller }
		return (boolean)o ;

	 * Sets the cell radio on or off.
	 * @param bEnabled {@code true} to enable; {@code false} to disable
	 * @return (undocumented)
	 * @throws ControllerInvocationException if the invocation fails
	public boolean setRadio( boolean bEnabled )
	throws ControllerInvocationException
		final Object o = this.invoke( "setRadio",
				new Class<?>[] { Boolean.class },
				new Boolean[] { bEnabled }
		return (boolean)o ;

	 * Silences the ringer if an incoming call is ringing. Also silences the
	 * vibrator.
	 * @throws ControllerInvocationException if the invocation fails
	public void silenceRinger()
	throws ControllerInvocationException
	{ this.invoke( "silenceRinger", null, null ) ; }

	 * Supply a PIN to unlock the phone's SIM card.
	 * @param sPIN the PIN to be checked
	 * @return indicates whether the operation succeeded
	 * @throws ControllerInvocationException if the invocation fails
	public boolean supplyPin( String sPIN )
	throws ControllerInvocationException
		final Object o = this.invoke( "supplyPin",
				new Class<?>[] { String.class },
				new String[] { sPIN }
		return (boolean)o ;

	 * Supply a PIN to unlock the phone's SIM card.
	 * @param id the subscriber ID
	 * @param sPIN the PIN to be checked
	 * @return indicates whether the operation succeeded
	 * @throws ControllerInvocationException if the invocation fails
	public boolean supplyPinForSubscriber( int id, String sPIN )
	throws ControllerInvocationException
		final Object o = this.invoke( "supplyPinForSubscriber",
				new Class<?>[] { Integer.class, String.class },
				new Object[] { id, sPIN }
		return (boolean)o ;

	 * Supply a PUK (Personal Unlocking Key) to unlock the SIM and set its PIN
	 * to a new value.
	 * @param sPUK the unlock key
	 * @param sPIN the new PIN to set
	 * @return indicates whether the operation succeeded
	 * @throws ControllerInvocationException if the invocation fails
	public boolean supplyPuk( String sPUK, String sPIN )
	throws ControllerInvocationException
		final Object o = this.invoke( "supplyPuk",
				new Class<?>[] { String.class, String.class },
				new String[] { sPUK, sPIN }
		return (boolean)o ;

	 * Supply a PUK (Personal Unlocking Key) to unlock the SIM and set its PIN
	 * to a new value.
	 * @param id the subscriber ID
	 * @param sPUK the unlock key
	 * @param sPIN the new PIN to set
	 * @return indicates whether the operation succeeded
	 * @throws ControllerInvocationException if the invocation fails
	public boolean supplyPukForSubscriber( int id, String sPUK, String sPIN )
	throws ControllerInvocationException
		final Object o = this.invoke( "supplyPukForSubscriber",
				new Class<?>[] { Integer.class, String.class, String.class },
				new Object[] { id, sPUK, sPIN }
		return (boolean)o ;

	 * Toggles the state of the cell radio.
	 * @throws ControllerInvocationException if the invocation fails
	public void toggleRadio()
	throws ControllerInvocationException
	{ this.invoke( "toggleRadioOnOff", null, null ) ; }